Mere yaar, patang udaya kar. Kat jaye toh gham na khaaya kar.
A pro views her work as craft not art. Not because she believes art is devoid of mystical dimension. On the contrary. She understands that all creative endeavor is holy, but she doesn’t dwell on it. She knows if she thinks about that too much it will paralyze her. So she concentrates on technique. The professional masters how, and leaves what and why to the gods. Like Somerset Maugham she doesn’t wait for inspiration she acts in anticipation of its apparition. The professional is acutely aware of the intangibles that go into inspiration. Out of respect for them she lets them work. She grants them their sphere while she concentrates on hers.
The sign of the amateur is the overglorification of, and preoccupation with, the mystery.
The professional shuts up. She doesn’t talk about it. She does her work.
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ivankirigin 579 days ago | link The smartest people I know want to do their own startups. It is getting easier, so more people are doing it. How do you hire in the face of this issue? ----- |
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How do you decide what features to add or not add to Github? How much thinking, discussion, planning, design, research, etc go into each feature before coding begins? ----- |
This blog post is inspired by a new product I saw. Bharani built, which lets you create beautiful PDF resumes on the fly. You also get a share-able link so you can give out a link to your resume. Bharani is a college kid in New Delhi. I run Hackers and Founders, Delhi. So I am super happy and impressed to find yet another Delhi based hacker. The source code is on his github. I don't know if he is planning to make a company out of it. But his product got me thinking:
Creating a good product is half the story. Figuring out its discovery is as crucial as building the product itself.
DDG has a funky name, was that the hook?
DDG had hashbangs, was that the hook?Was it a combination of the above things? Also I don't know the order in which these things came.Ideology: Ideology is valuable. In the beginning, a startup has nothing. It has to create some hook for people to want to use the product. I have seen startups position against an incumbent. David Vs Golaith. Good design vs bad. Ease of use Vs broken use case.The other key idea has been: Have one thing which dramatically make users love you. Appharbor has it. They make me love Appharbor over Azure. So I am happy to use them. Circling back:
Bharani has made a beautiful product. Its minimally useful but dramatically convenient. It also has other competitors. So if he can get traction, then he has a business.------------
[1] Gabriel thinks a lot about distribution and traction. He has a lot of good blog posts on it. Also interviews of smart people. [2] There can be another inference, that certain people are better suited for executing on certain ideas. Or once you immerse in a problem for years, you find out ways to get traction.
All startups have to decide the trade-off between time and money. I will point out a set of problems where throwing money is optimal in 99% of the situations.
Programmer time is VERY expensive (yes, even in India. A good programmer costs an arm and a leg everywhere). Anything plumbing (like mail handling, source code hosting, live deployment, server management, bounce rate tracking, newsletter lists), should not be done in-house if you can avoid it, especially in the beginning. We use Appharbor, Azure, BitBucket, PostMarkApp, MailGun, AWS, Mailchimp. We use pre-configured SQL Server instances, Mongo instances, etc etc. With the exception of AWS and Azure, I feel everything is so pricey. Especially since I earn in Rupees and I have to spend in Dollars. These services are priced for American Businesses not Indian ones. But still, we at ClearTax pay for them. We are a bootstrapping startup, hungry for cash. How do we justify spending hundreds of dollars per month in these services? Because Programmer time is even more expensive and every line of code has the potential to be buggy. So we depend on these guys to get it right. Their incentives are aligned in getting it right. We'll find the cash, somehow, we always do. Startups don't die mid-keystroke as Paul Graham eloquently pointed out in his "How to Not Die" essay. Just to twist the whole thing though: Our business is ClearTax - We help Indians prepare and file their tax returns online. We need the services for only for 2-3 months. Rest of the year, we go to the minimum plans. We hustle mate. ;-)Language-ism or Framework-ism: Discrimination based on the language and tools you use.
As an example of how Hacker News has changed over the years, witness the love affair with C# in the lang thread:
— DHH (@dhh) March 23, 2012
@johnsheehan Obviously for the universe of people that now live on HN.
— DHH (@dhh) March 23, 2012
@johnsheehan Fair? When the top-rated comment is making love to Convert.ToString(), what's fair is to laugh.
— DHH (@dhh) March 23, 2012
I found my cofounders via local Ruby meetups. I was by myself when I was doing Gravatar and it sucked. Having two cofounders with GitHub has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. They provided additional manpower in the early days when velocity of development matters most, and they acted as a safeguard against bad decisions. It's extremely motivating to have other people that are depending on you to produce great work. I would highly recommend against single founder startups for all of these reasons and a thousand more.
Gravatar did become hard to run towards the end. I was spending a few hundred dollars a month on servers and there was no good way to make money with it. It seemed a bit hopeless. I never gave up though. I put in the hours to make it work and eventually sold it to Automattic. To me, that was a success. I created something of value and sold it to someone that had the resources to take it to the next level.
It's hard to explain how I judge my startup ideas. It's a lot of intuition based on years of experience with the internet and with a lot of examples of things that I love and ton of examples of things that I hate. All this adds up to a feeling that something will work out. Once I have that feeling about an idea, I jump in 100%.