Key insight about the product?

So the Individual tax filing market folks aren't passionate about a tax filing website. They interact with it only once a year for few minutes. Where is the passion? It is with the CAs, the tax practitioners.

So my new hypothesis is that we'll have to acquire a lot of invested users. Folks who have to use the software day in and day out.

We have a desktop version of the software but we'll soon deliver a SaaS version. With JQuery magic, the SaaS version can be sufficiently light to interact with. Interestingly in my conversations, convert rate of the SaaS product is high. I can basically create a reality distortion field easily.

As an aside: Can I bring the passion to Individual tax filing market. I am not sure. I will have to think hard about it. People are passionate about tax savings. So the magic may lie there!
3 responses
True. Saving money is what all matters. With a little effort, I hope you will be able to bring that passion to individual tax filing market.

And there's a little thought I would like to share with you. Giving the software solution as SaaS is really nice, but a few corporates might want all the data within their intranet/servers itself. How about a solution like Github enterprise? I'm not sure how they are doing it - giving the source to host in corporate servers or something. This is just a thought of an inexperienced market watcher, please do not give much importance to it :) (Remembering what Paul Graham said about suggestion/advice to start ups in his famous essay on start ups)

All the best for your company, may god bless you with a million clients :)

Actually corporations don't want to deal with the hassle of employee tax filing. Most HR departments just care enough to arrange a low cost service. With vendors approaching them often from the organized and disorganized sectors, they get to offer decent quality services to their employees usually.
What we do for large corporations is that, via their intranet, make it very simple to file taxes. 
But final tax filing has to go via our server to the Income Tax Department servers. And we have to hold employee tax data for regulatory purposes.

I see.